The 8th Annual CubeSat Workshop turned out to be incredibly successful! We had over 300 attendees from 14 different countries attend our three day event! The banquet, which I had the pleasure of planning, was certainly one of the highlights of the conference. It began with a cocktail hour followed by volleyball and bocce ball. We then had a mexican buffet which turned out to be very popular and that was followed by a presentation from a NASA astronaut and awards to Boeing and Raython for their generous donations to the workshop.
Throughout the three days, guests were given the opportunity to sit in on dozens of presentations about updates from people involved in the CubeSat community. Additionally, all presentations were streamed live online so people that were not fortunate enough to attend the event, could still be involved.
This Senior Project was one of a kind and I truly feel lucky to have been involved with such an amazing group of people that provided me with the opportunity to help plan this international workshop.